Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Paper and First Sale~!

Just a fun brag sesh:
I am tickled to report that my first paper as a grad student
(a fun little research project
--I'll have to tell you some time about my revelatory experience in the library--
on Mozart's Minuet in D major K355)
was been turned in last night!
Hooray hooray!
I sold my first 2 paintings on Etsy last night!
(granted, they were my cheapest listings,
so I'm not making a killing, but still--
someone wanted my work enough to pay money for it!)
Hooray hooray!
and the peasants rejoice!


  1. congrats! i need to visit etsy more often. :-)

  2. yeah and what is your shop name?

  3. Ooh that is very exciting! Sounds like things are going well!

  4. I'm actually somewhat embarrassed to admit my shop belongs to me because I use Etsy as a forum to sell the art with which I'm not especially pleased. I save my good stuff for myself since I'm not famous enough to get what I think it is worth. Etsy caters to cheaper prices anyway, so why not unload my 'unprofessional' art for 'unprofessional' prices? Of course I would never admit on Etsy that I think those paintings aren't very good. But if someone I know goes and looks, they'd probably think I was a lousy artist. Consider yourself warned: I DO make better paintings than what you'll see on Etsy. InspiringdesignsbyE is my shop name.
